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“You got it, so from now on, no panties.” Angie said getting up and domination sliding her panties off. Mo was already feeling like maybe she had had a bit too much to drink BDSM already that morning, but she did as she was told. She was a little fetish hesitant but then sadism agreed that was a good idea and after some more casual conversation and deciding on what movies were out, we headed off to the theater that was nearby. “Umm – huh?” I mumbled shaking the cobb-webs out of my head, “Did you say something?” Hands trembling, just as the first response messages started Bondage to come, he threw her phone to the ground and stomped and pulverized it just like her laptop.
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Length: 05:30
Porn Tags: bdsm, domination, fetish, bondage, sadism, submissive, sub, master, dominant, roughsex, dom, maledom, kinkysex, bondagesex
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